Friday, October 25, 2013

Cedars - 'Alice' Senior Theatre Project This Weekend Condenses Novels, Adds Dancing

Here's a short preview of a senior theatre project a Cedarville student's putting on tomorrow night.

Cedars - October issue

For our October print issue, our off-campus news editor wrote a story on what's going on in Syria. She interviewed former ambassadors and a variety of other expert sources. I was proud of her and the graphic designer for their work in covering an important issue.

View a PDF of the issue.

Cedars - September issue

I was happy with how our first full issue turned out. It was the first issue that we published with a new print publishing process. It went well for the first time.

View a PDF of the issue.

Also in September: I covered Mike Huckabee coming to Cedarville.

Cedars - This year's multimedia coverage so far

I've been proud of the team at Cedars for our multimedia coverage this year, especially for two events: (1) a special chapel honoring the 27-year legacy of Pastor Bob Rohm and (2) the inauguration of Cedarville's 10th president, Dr. Thomas White.

For each event, we had a traditional story, a photo gallery, a video and a Storify. I produced the Storify for each event. Each Storify has links to the other multimedia coverage for that specific event.

Cedars - Special issue on New President

At the beginning of each academic year, we will do a short, 4-page issue geared toward freshman. This year, we did a 4-page issue on Cedarville's new president. I edited the content and did the majority of the layout/design.

View a PDF of the issue.

Cedars - Various stories on What's New at Cedarville

Over the past few months, I've written several stories for Cedars on a variety of changes and new happenings at Cedarville University. They are as follows: