Friday, May 24, 2013

Xenia Daily Gazette - Cedarville businesses coverage

I recently did two stories for the Xenia Daily Gazette on Cedarville businesses.

Courtesy of the Xenia Daily Gazette

Cedars - The Internship Business

For the semester's last issue of Cedars, I did a feature on a new business in Dayton that is helping businesses with their internship programs and trying to start new ones.

I also did a radio version of the story.

Edit script, anchor script

Cedars - Presidential transition coverage

The semester's been over for 3 weeks, but Cedarville has still yet to announce its next president. Cedars will have coverage on this throughout the summer, but for now, here's a story I did back in March that took a look at the process.

In addition, for our last issue of the semester, I did a Q-and-A with resigning president Bill Brown.

Cedars - Cedarville budget changes coverage

This past semester, we at Cedars devoted a decent amount of space to covering changes to the budget happening at Cedarville University. The topic was the cover story for our March print edition. My contribution to that was an article on the defunding of Cedarville's English teaching in China program, ERAP.

Last week, Cedarville laid off 29 mostly staff employees. The day of the layoffs, I was able to speak with one of the staff members who was laid off as well as get just a little information from the HR vice president. Later, I contributed to and edited a story by our assistant managing editor with additional info on the layoffs.